ғorever young, ғorever yours. ◊

That you've gotten this to happen before going to sleep at night,every mistake you do that you regret every word you ever want to say, every moment that made you cry in the head and all you can do at this point is to feel horror and pretend this never happened? Well, for me it happens every night.

I'm optimistic ... trying not to care.

cheers to the teenage years. (y)

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Cemburu ?

 Cemburu ? hmm.. pasti lo pernah ngerasain cemburu kan ? 100% pasti jawabannya iya, menurut gue cemburu itu wajar banyak orang bilang kalau cemburu itu tandanya sayang, gue sama kaya cewek-cewek lainnya yang suka cemburu sama pasangannya klo pasangannya deket sama cewek lain, so... I get jealous so easily.
"a little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. It's always nice to know someone afraid to lose you"

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